1,189 Results for:

June 15, 2012

International Organizations
The G20 and the Eurozone Crisis

On Sunday, one day after Greeks vote in elections that may result in their withdrawal from the eurozone, and throw that single currency union into untested waters, leaders from the world’s twenty lar…

 Germany's Chancellor Merkel and U.S. President Obama discuss before a meeting on the second day of the G20 Summit in Cannes

January 18, 2017

Wars and Conflict
Global Agenda: President Trump and the Laws of War

This blog post is part of a series entitled Global Agenda, in which experts will identify major global challenges facing President-Elect Trump, the options available to him, and what is at stake for …


March 22, 2013

Economic Prospects for the Eurozone

Willem H. Buiter, chief economist at Citigroup, discusses break-up risk, sovereign debt restructuring, bank creditor bail-ins, debt mutualization, austerity, and growth in the eurozone.


October 3, 2016

Duterte Shakes Up Philippine Foreign Policy

Richard Javad Heydarian is an assistant professor in political science at De La Salle University in Manila, and, most recently, the author of Asia’s New Battlefield: The U.S., China, and the Struggle…


August 19, 2011

You Might Have Missed

Welcome to a new semi-regular feature of 3PA: “You Might Have Missed.” The objective of this format will be to present news articles, speeches, reports, books, and recent bits of information that cou…