1,967 Results for:

May 19, 2015

What Does the TPP Mean for Latin America?

Mexico, Peru, and Chile would benefit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership if their economies can begin to produce more value-added goods in a competitive way, says CFR’s Shannon K. O’Neil.

September 19, 2014

South-South Trade and Latin America

The economic rise of the developing south is one of the biggest trends of the last decade, accelerated by the 2008 global economic downturn. Since 2001 trade between these countries has grown 18 perc…

April 14, 2017

United States
The World Next Week Podcast

Yesterday I joined Jim Lindsay on CFR’s podcast, The World Next Week, which gives a preview of world events in the week ahead. We discussed the political crisis unfolding in Venezuela, Turkey’s const…

June 3, 2008

A New Direction in Latin America

This opinion piece I wrote for the Washington Post lays out many of the findings and recommendations of the Council on Foreign Relations sponsored Independent Task Force on U.S.-Latin America Relatio…

July 14, 2014

Immigration and Migration
Immigration Reform Is Happening

Despite the standstill in Congress on immigration reform, state and local governments have been very active in passing their own immigration legislation. In this article for Foreign Policy, I look at…