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October 18, 2011

Climate Change
Argentina’s Natural Gas Discoveries

A view of the San Alberto gas plant (David Mercado/Courtesy Reuters). Last December, Argentina’s major oil and gas company YPF discovered some 4.5 trillion cubic feet of unconventional gas in the so…

Argentina’s Natural Gas Discoveries

September 6, 2011

Demand Side Policies in the U.S. War on Drugs

Passengers on a bus pass a vehicle painted with a slogan during an anti-drugs campaign to mark International Anti-Drug Day in Jakarta (Dadang Tri/Courtesy Reuters). The “drug war” strategy of the la…

Passengers on a bus pass a vehicle painted with a slogan during an anti-drugs campaign to mark International Anti-Drug Day in Jakarta (Dadang Tri/Courtesy Reuters).

November 3, 2015

Immigration and Migration
Interview with Jim Zirin

Last week, I had the pleasure of joining Jim Zirin on "Conversations in the Digital Age" to discuss U.S. immigration and the U.S.-Mexico relationship. Recently aired, you can watch the interview here.

Interview with Jim Zirin - LAM

May 27, 2011

Latin America’s Growing Middle Class

Thousands of commuters pack the Se metro subway station in Sao Paulo (Paulo Whitaker / Courtesy Reuters). Two recent studies look at the rise of Latin America’s middle class. The first, by ECLAC (Ec…

Latin America’s Growing Middle Class

September 21, 2017

It's Time to Face NAFTA’s Jobs Myth

A third lightning round of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks begins in Ottawa on September 23. Negotiators reportedly made progress during the first two go-rounds in Washington and Me…

NAFTA negotiations