1,967 Results for:

June 3, 2009

On Cuba and the OAS

Should Cuba be allowed to rejoin the United States? And what are Iran’s intentions in Latin America. I talked about this issues with WorldFocus last night.

December 19, 2014

United States
Panama Twenty-Five Years Later

December 20 marks the 25th anniversary of Operation Just Cause, better remembered as the U.S. invasion of Panama. Set off by the death of an off-duty Marine lieutenant by Panamanian security forces, …

December 12, 2014

United States
Spillovers From Falling Oil Prices: Risks to Mexico and the United States

Geopolitically, U.S. policymakers generally see high oil prices as bad and low oil prices as good for national interests. In a CFR Working Paper I coauthored with Michael Levi and Alexandra Mahler-Ha…

April 22, 2009

United States
A conversation about President Obama's trip to Mexico & Trinidad

I spoke on Charlie Rose last Friday about President Obama’s visits to Mexico and to the Summit of the Americas. You can see the whole program here.

May 15, 2017

Why U.S. Tax Reform Threatens Mexico's Financial Future

While tweets and speeches may continue to cause consternation in Mexico and Canada, the existential threat to NAFTA seems to have passed. President Donald Trump is now talking about giving “renego…

Paul Ryan tax reform

May 12, 2017

Making Chile Great Again

In my piece published this week on Foreignaffairs.com, I reflect on the end to Chile’s exceptionalism and why, after three decades of democratic growth, protests now envelop the country. I argue that…

The words on the Chilean flag reads, "No more profit in the pension system"