1,967 Results for:

November 2, 2012

New From CFR: Shannon O’Neil and Foreign Affairs on China in the Developing World

Two recent items discuss China’s involvement in different regions of the developing world. On her blog, CFR senior fellow Shannon O’Neil evaluates Chinese trade with, investment in, and loans to Lati…


November 20, 2023

Petro's Total Peace Strategy Faces Challenges, Plus USMCA Brings Judgments But Not Punishments

Petro’s Total Peace strategy faces its greatest obstacle yet; USMCA brings judgments, even as countries delay enforcement

Photo of Colombian President Gustavo Petro

May 14, 2013

United States
Media Conference Call: Edward Alden and Shannon K. O'Neil on Immigration and Border Security

CFR Senior Fellows Edward Alden and Shannon K. O'Neil discuss border security and U.S. immigration policy.


March 29, 2013

New From CFR: Joshua Kurlantzick on the China Model and Shannon O’Neil on Mexico’s Economy

In two recent pieces, CFR fellows weigh political and economic developments in a pair of emerging giants: China and Mexico. In an excerpt on TheAtlantic.com from his recently released book, Democracy…

china kurlantzick model

February 8, 2013

New From CFR: John Campbell on Nigeria and South Africa and Shannon O’Neil on Brazil

This week on their blogs, CFR senior fellows John Campbell and Shannon O’Neil discussed three of the world’s major emerging powers. Campbell reviews an article on whether Nigeria or South Africa is "…


August 25, 2022

Chile’s Failed Pensions Are Neoliberalism’s Badge of Shame

A successful reform of the system is essential not only to reducing poverty, but also to restoring public faith in the country’s democracy.

Pensions are part of the problem