556 Results for:

November 26, 2013

Thailand on the Brink—Again

Today marks the second day of  Bangkok protestors’ occupation of several of Thailand’s major ministries. Although so far there has been minimal violence, by Thai standards, demonstrators yesterday ph…

Anti-government protesters wave flags while standing in heavy rain outside the Interior Ministry in Bangkok on November 26, 2013. Nearly 3,000 flag-waving anti-government protesters massed in front of Thailand's Interior Ministry on Tuesday, a day after they stormed compounds of two other ministries. (Kerek Wongsa/Courtesy Reuters)

June 2, 2016

The Anticorruption Boom and U.S. Foreign Policy

April and May brought some of the most important movement on the anticorruption front of any two-month period in the past decade. Recapitulating briefly: - In April, the International Consortium of …

Prime Minister David Cameron Hosts Anti-Corruption Summit

March 3, 2011

Why China Is More Like the Middle East Than We Think

Policemen watch a crowd that gathered outside a McDonald's restaurant after internet social networks called for a "Jasmine Revolution" protest in central Beijing on February 20, 2011. (David Gray/Cou…

Policemen watch a crowd that gathered outside a McDonald’s restaurant after internet social networks called for a

September 12, 2014

Sub-Saharan Africa
Black and White Income Inequality in South Africa and the United States

South Africa is notorious for having gross income inequality. Its GINI coefficient–a standard for measuring income inequality–is one of the highest in the world. The World Bank computed it at 63.1 in…

SA Poverty

October 6, 2008

CFR Kicks Off Group Blog on Pressing International Issues

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has launched the "CFR Forum" (http://blogs.cfr.org/forum), a new group blog, featuring a series of expert discussions moderated by CFR fellows. The forum will a…