556 Results for:

August 17, 2012

United States
You Might Have Missed: Israeli Strike on Iran, No-Fly Zone in Syria, and Ernest Hemingway

Benny Morris, “Obama’s Last Chance Before Israel Bombs Iran,” The Daily Beast, August 16, 2012. (3PA: In this piece, Morris predicts “Israel is likely to strike [Iran] before the American elections…


May 1, 2015

Political Transitions
You Might Have Missed: Drone Strikes, Nation-building, and the U.S. Aviation Inventory

Elisabeth Bumiller, “Soldier, Thinker, Hunter, Spy: Drawing a Bead on Al Qaeda,” New York Times, September 3, 2011. In Mr. [Michael] Vickers’s [top adviser to then-secretary of defense Leon E. Panet…

Aviation Inventory

October 30, 2020

Election 2020
Campaign Foreign Policy Roundup: Election 2020 Is Almost Over, Maybe

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This week: where things stand four days before Election Day.

Three people stand behind privacy screens to cast their vote while another walks in front of them carrying a ballot to a voting booth.

November 16, 2015

Regional Organizations
Après Paris: Reverberations of the Terrorist Attacks

Following Friday’s horrific assault on Paris—the world’s most vibrant monument to the open society—there is a welcome global determination to crush the Islamic State. There can be no negotiation with…

In a French poster popularized during World War I, a French soldier carries a gun and encourages his countrymen under the phrase "On les aura!" or "We will have them!"

June 14, 2010

South Korea
North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program Must Be Stopped, Says CFR Task Force

As tensions on the Korean peninsula rise after an international investigation found that North Korea was responsible for the sinking of a South Korean warship, a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) In…