556 Results for:

February 18, 2016

Reactions to the Apple-FBI Clash in the San Bernardino Case

Much has been written in the past forty-eight hours on Apple’s refusal to comply with a federal order to assist the FBI access the encrypted contents on a iPhone 5C owned by Syed Rizwan Farook, one o…

Apple CFR Cyber Net Politics Back Doors Encryption

August 2, 2011

United States
Osama Bin Laden: What Did Pakistan Know?

Did Pakistani government officials know Bin Laden was living in Abbottabad, and did they provide shelter to him and his support network?

A newspaper stand displays magazines and posters bearing the pictures of al Qaeda leader bin Laden and U.S. President Obama in Karachi

July 19, 2011

Comunicado à imprensa: Estados Unidos devem desenvolver parceria mais sólida e madura com o Brasil, conclui Força-Tarefa do CFR

Ao longo de uma geração o Brasil tem emergido tanto como motor do crescimento na América do Sul quando uma força ativa na política mundial. O novo relatório da Força-Tarefa patrocinada pelo Council o…

October 12, 2015

Guest Post: Financing to Protect Forests: Will Carbon Markets Deliver?

Carbon markets, once touted as a golden ticket for funding efforts to reduce deforestation, have yet to deliver on their promise. In this guest post, Brian Murray, research professor of environmental…


April 26, 2012

Defense and Security
The World Next Week: The bin Laden Anniversary, U.S.-China Dialogue, Ban Ki Moon in Myanmar, and Vietnam’s Liberation Day

The World Next Week podcast is up. Bob McMahon and I discussed the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden; the upcoming U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Beijing; UN Secre…
