14,357 Results for:

May 26, 2010

North Korea: Succession Signals

North Korea’s alleged sinking of a South Korean ship could have been part of a legitimization process to prepare for a new leader to succeed the ailing Kim Jong-Il, says North Korea expert Victor C…

February 26, 2019

South Korea
South Korea Remains Essential Part of any Peace Deal With North Korea

The diplomacy between President Trump and Kim Jong-un resonates with the American public, as shown in a recent poll by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Americans have long considered North Kore…


October 12, 2011

South Korea
Working Out a Strategy on North Korea

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s visit to Washington is likely to see passage of the Free Trade Agreement and coordination on strategies for pushing North Korea toward denuclearization, says CF…

January 31, 2017

Assessing U.S. Policy Options Toward North Korea

On January 31, 2017, I testified together with Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt from the American Enterprise Institute before the Senate foreign relations committee on policy toward North Korea. My opening sta…

September 15, 2016

China Vital to Countering a More Dangerous North Korea

North Korea’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons poses a great danger to Northeast Asia and the United States. Washington should pursue policies that will induce Beijing to exert more pressure on i…