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June 16, 2009

Monetary Policy
Read Brender and Pisani’s “Globalised finance and its collapse”

I highly recommend Anton Brender and Florence Pisani’s recent monograph, "Globalized finance and its collapse." In a lot of ways, it is something that I wish I could have written. I don’t agree with …

March 19, 2007

A strange way to go about rebalancing China’s economy…

China now exports more than it imports – a lot more.   Even most American economist are starting to recognize that the “China runs a surplus with the US but its overall trade is balanced” argument is…

August 18, 2005

Emerging Markets
Argentina, its (kind of) currency board, and its 1999-2001 crisis

Rather than writing a blog of my own, I have been busy discussing one of my favorite topics -- Argentina's crisis -- over in the comments section of Macroblog.    David Altig and I don't always agree…

May 7, 2007

Central Kansas, not central park

My plans have evolved slightly, so I am going pretty much directly from England to central Kansas (i.e. tornado land).  In practice, that I means I probably won't be able to resume regular posting un…

May 12, 2008

A heads-up

If all goes according to plan, my blog will be migrating to cfr.org later this week. The transition should be pretty seamless -- at least that is the goal. It obviously is a bit of a change for me…