438 Results for:

July 26, 2005

Andy Xie gives no quarter

Xie to the market (and to the US): Take your 2% and stop telling China to revalue! Here is the difference between Xie and me, put simply. Xie thinks the US is trying to get China to "artificially"…

February 3, 2008

United States
What “adjustment” means

Michael Mandel of Business Week:As of the third quarter of 2007, the 10-year growth rate for consumption was 3.6%, vs. GDP growth for the same period of 2.9%. This difference represents an enormous…

July 18, 2005

If your reserves are growing by $300 billion a year

China indicated its reserves have increased to $711 billion at the end of June -- up $101 billion from the end of December 2004. Actually, they are up more than that. China transferred $15 billion …

October 13, 2004

United States
Oil and the US current account deficit

Oil above $50 a barrel is not good for the U.S. trade balance. Higher oil prices are a tax on US consumers, with the proceeds pocketed by oil exporters. If oil stays above $50 in November and Decem…

March 27, 2005

United States
The financing of the US current account deficit

2004 Current account deficit: $666 billion2004 Net FDI outflow: $133 billion2004 Net portfolio equity outflow: $63 billion (TIC data); $37 billion (BEA) data. The difference seems to stem from diffe…