438 Results for:

April 25, 2008

Economic Crises
World Economic Update

Watch experts discuss the state of the global economy and the effects of a U.S. economic downturn.


November 16, 2006

United States
Wrong about 2006. Right about 2007? Or 2008?

I don’t think that Nouriel Roubini and I ever argued Bretton Woods 2 – an international monetary system based on central bank financing of the US deficit -- would absolutely collapse by the end of 20…

July 21, 2006

Adding to echo chamber started by the New Economist, with a bit on China thrown in

I second the New Economist’s description of Tim Duy as the John Berry of the blogoshere.   I thought Tim retired from Fed Watching when he moved to Oregon, but the internet gave him a second life …  …

April 29, 2009

Financial Markets
Why were arguments against taking on risk discounted heavily during the boom?

Barry Eichengreen writes exceptionally well: "THE GREAT Credit Crisis has cast into doubt much of what we thought we knew about economics. We thought that monetary policy had tamed the business cycl…

January 17, 2012

Morning Brief: House GOP to Vote on Debt Ceiling Hike

Debt and Deficits House GOP to Vote on Debt Ceiling Hike House Republicans are set to open the second session of Congress this week by voting on a resolution disapproving of the president's propose…