438 Results for:

May 12, 2006

Bolivia’s Nationalization of Oil and Gas

In a region seen as turning leftward, forging alliances would seem a natural course of events. But Bolivian President Evo Morales’ decision to nationalize the oil and gas industry is exposing tension…

October 6, 2008

Financial Markets
The damage spreads ....

I think it is fair to say that we have reached, for all intents and purposes, step 12 of Nouriel Roubini’s 12 steps to financial disaster -- i.e. "a cascading and mounting cycle of losses and furthe…


April 4, 2007

United States
The income balance — the new driver of the US current accout deficit?

Many analysts believe – extrapolating from the q4 data and the stabilization of the non-oil trade deficit – that the US current account deficit has peaked.  Stephen Jen is the most prominent example,…


April 24, 2017

Monetary Policy
The Story in TIC Data Is That There Is Still No (New) Story

The basic constellation in the post-BoJ QQE, post-ECB QE world marked by large surpluses in Asia and Europe but not the oil-exporters has continued. Inflows from abroad have come into the U.S. corpo…

The Story in TIC Data Is That There Is Still No (New) Story

September 14, 2008

Financial Markets
The world is changing, fast

After Argentina was -- at the end of a long, drawn out process -- denied financial support from the IMF and left with no choice other than default and devaluation, the US Treasury encouraged the IMF …