6,021 Results for:

March 28, 2017

Sub-Saharan Africa
How Conflict Drives Hunger in Africa, Yemen

Lasting solutions to the food emergencies affecting millions of people in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen require an end to violence in those countries, says World Food Program Chief Economi…

September 9, 2015

Kenneth Rogoff Joins CFR as Senior Fellow for Economics

Kenneth S. Rogoff, a Harvard University professor and former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, will contribute his expertise to the Council on Foreign Relations as a senior fellow f…

February 23, 2015

Economic Winners and Losers in the Oil Price Plunge

Charles Collyns, managing director and chief economist at the Institute of International Finance, James Stock, economics professor at Harvard University, and Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's An…


October 10, 2013

Foreign Affairs Media Call on the Nomination of Janet Yellen to Chair the Federal Reserve

Harvard University professor and economist Martin S. Feldstein and Peterson Institute for International Economics President Adam S. Posen discuss the nomination of Federal Reserve Vice Chairwoman Jan…


July 19, 2017

Financial Markets
How Fairly Valued is China’s Currency? Big Mac and Mini Mac Square Off Again.

The “law of one price” holds that identical goods should trade for the same price in an efficient market. But how well does it actually hold internationally? The Economist magazine’s famous Big Mac I…