3,542 Results for:

January 24, 2018

United States
Did Tax Reform Really Give Walmart Employees a Raise?

“Thanks to the Tax Cuts And Jobs Act, Walmart—America’s largest employer—is raising wages,” tweeted House Speaker Paul Ryan on January 11. Walmart CEO Doug McMillon was only too happy to embrace …

Did Tax Reform Really Give Walmart Employees a Raise?

December 5, 2017

Zimbabwe Cabinet Appointments Disappoint

Friends of Zimbabwe hoped that President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s cabinet appointments would signal a shift away from the tyranny of deposed president Robert Mugabe. Instead, Mnangagwa’s appointments have signaled continuity, not change.


December 18, 2019

News Release
CFR Survey: Disruptive Cyberattack a Top Concern for 2020

The threat of a highly disruptive cyberattack on U.S. critical infrastructure, including electoral systems, is the top-ranked concern for the second straight year, according to the Council on Foreign…

November 9, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Israel and Palestine: Past, Present, Future

Steven A. Cook, CFR’s Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies, gives an update on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, background on Israeli-Palestinian relations, and implication…

Play Israel and Palestine flags on a wall

October 16, 2017

The United States, Trade Remedies, and the World Trade Organization

This is the third session of the "The United States and World Trade: Future Directions" symposium. 

Play WTO

September 25, 2020

Cyber Week in Review: September 25, 2020

EU tech companies sold surveillance technology to China; Facebook removes accounts linked to China and the Filipino military; China threatens to sanction U.S. companies, considers releasing a blackli…

TikTok logos are seen on smartphones in front of a displayed ByteDance logo.