3,592 Results for:

May 3, 2022

United States
James K. Galbraith: Can American-led Global Financial Capitalism Survive?

Trust in the U.S.-led economic and geopolitical order has been eroding. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the U.S. response to it, whatever its merits, may be the last straw for the global monopoly…

G7 summit in Brussels

January 20, 2021

Parting of Ways: Secretary Pompeo Announces Sanctions on Tanzania

On January 19, U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo—on his last full day in the position—announced visa restrictions on “Tanzanian officials responsible for or complicit in undermining” the general elections held in late October last year.

Tanzanian President John Magufuli and his predecessor, Jakaya Kikwete, can be seen speaking to one another ahead of a speech for the ruling party, the Chama cha Mapinduzi. Kikwete is holding a microphone while Magufuli leans back laughing.

February 13, 2012

Military Operations
When America Attacked Syria

In response to the worsening civil war in Syria and the Bashar al-Assad regime’s continuous use of rockets, artillery, and sniper fire against civilian population centers, some policymakers, analysts…


July 25, 2018

Cameroon’s Failure of Politics

Cameroon is a country in crisis. Longstanding tensions between the center and periphery have morphed into brutal conflicts, with government forces confronting Boko Haram in the north and Anglophone separatists in the west. Over one hundred eighty thousand people have been displaced.
