638 Results for:

January 19, 2018

Containing Russia

The United States has failed to elevate Russia’s intervention in U.S. elections to the national priority that it is, and it has neglected to respond to it in a way sufficient to deter future attacks,…

May 4, 2018

Iran Nuclear Agreement
How Sanctions Decision Could Jeopardize the Iran Agreement

Iran could restart aspects of its nuclear program if President Trump declines to renew sanctions waivers this month, leaving major powers with few options for monitoring or restricting it.

President Trump speaks about the Iran nuclear agreement at the White House in October 2017.

May 8, 2018

United States to Leave the Iran Deal

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Foreign Affairs offer resources and analysis on the significance of the U.S. exit from the Iran nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of …

U.S. President Donald Trump announces his decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Iran nuclear agreement.

November 14, 2016

Repairing the U.S.-Israel Relationship

The U.S. relationship with Israel is in trouble. Robert D. Blackwill and Philip H. Gordon offer six core policy proposals to repair, redefine, and invigorate the partnership.

December 22, 2011

Radicalization and Extremism
SAVE Supporting Document: Creating a Partner

Overview This paper focuses on identifying the nature and characteristics of members of two groups of former extremists: former Palestinian and Israeli militants and former U.S. gang members. By e…