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June 13, 2019

Cyber Week in Review: June 14, 2019

This week: POTUS muddies the water on Huawei; G20 taxes big tech; Bolton and offensive cyber; Zuckerberg deepfake; and China disrupts Telegram

People attend a rally in support of demonstrators protesting against proposed extradition bill with China, in Hong Kong, China, June 14, 2019.

April 21, 2020

Israel’s Unusual Crisis Coalition: What to Expect

Benjamin Netanyahu and his top political rival have made a pact amid a pandemic, prolonging the embattled prime minister’s political career and likely reinforcing Israel’s nationalistic direction.

January 12, 2016

Middle East and North Africa
The State of the Union Address: Resources From CFR and Foreign Affairs

As President Barack Obama prepares to deliver his seventh and final State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Foreign Affairs offer resources…

September 20, 2019

Trump’s Iran-Saudi Arabia Dilemma

The president is in the difficult position of either backing down in the face of Iranian threats and suspected attacks or escalating the conflict in ways he clearly wants to avoid.

December 20, 2018

Sudden U.S. Troop Exit From Syria Would Exacerbate Regional Instability

President Trump’s order to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria could have major implications for the country, the Middle East, and broader U.S. foreign policy.

Delil Souleiman/AFP/Getty Images