97 Results for:

February 7, 2005


This publication is now archived. What were the results of the just-concluded talks between India and Pakistan?Representatives of the two longtime adversaries, at meetings February 16-18, agreed to a…

April 29, 2009

Financial Markets
Why were arguments against taking on risk discounted heavily during the boom?

Barry Eichengreen writes exceptionally well: "THE GREAT Credit Crisis has cast into doubt much of what we thought we knew about economics. We thought that monetary policy had tamed the business cycl…

April 21, 2008

Financial Markets
Not all that sophisticated

Back in 2005, Ragu Rajan warned that the banks were taking on the hard-to-sell leftovers from the securitization process. As a result, he argued that the banks were becoming less liquid – and that t…

August 20, 2008

Monetary Policy
Good news

The IMF seems to be having a bit of a row over how to do exchange rate surveillance. Why is that good news? Because it suggests that the IMF actually is trying to do exchange rate surveillance. …

November 12, 2008

Monetary Policy
China’s fiscal stimulus doesn’t necessarily mean that it will stop buying Treasuries

I tend to be a bit better at spotting risks than opportunities. I have long worried that China might conclude that it is no longer in its interest to continue to buy ever larger quantities of Trea…