643 Results for:

April 12, 2012

Why the Summit of the Americas Matters

The summit in Colombia offers Washington an opportunity to boost growing economic ties amid ongoing disputes with regional partners over Cuba and the legalization of illicit drugs, writes CFR’s Shann…

October 15, 2004

Council Joins Leading Canadians and Mexicans to Launch Independent Task Force on the Future of North America

Contact: Lisa Shields, Vice President, Communications 212-434-9888 or [email protected] October 15, 2004—The Council has launched an independent task force on the future of North America to…

December 2, 2016

Thinking About Fidel

What are we to make of the death of Fidel Castro, and the eulogies that flowed from all too many places? I’ve explored that subject in a podcast--an interview of me by Bill Kristol--and in an article…

October 19, 2012

Diplomacy and International Institutions
The World Next Week: Obama and Romney Debate Foreign Policy, Turkey and Syria Spar, Brahimi Negotiates, and the World Health Summit Convenes

The World Next Week podcast is up. Bob McMahon and I discussed the final presidential debate; increasing tensions between Turkey and Syria; Lakhdar Brahimi’s effort to negotiate a cease-fire in Syria…

CBS anchorman and debate moderator Bob Schieffer talks to the audience during the final 2008 presidential debate. (Jim Young/ courtesy Reuters)

December 17, 2014

What Did President Obama Trade for Alan Gross?

There is wonderful news this morning: that Alan Gross is finally free, out of a Cuban prison and back on American soil. For his family, this is the answer to prayers and the right outcome to a long s…