643 Results for:

April 16, 2015

Cuba and Terrorism

President Obama has moved to take Cuba off the "terrorism list."  The administrations defends its move in a lengthy memorandum from the State Department to Congress, but the more they explain it the …

February 18, 2016

The Disgraceful Obama Trip to Cuba

Eight months after the U.S. Embassy opened in Cuba, what is the effect of this much-celebrated opening of diplomatic relations? Who has benefitted? The Washington Post noted today that "there has be…

March 28, 2023

United States
A Conversation With Deputy U.S. Attorney General Lisa Monaco: Defending the Rule of Law Against Hostile Nation States

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco discusses how the Department of Justice is countering new and evolving threats to the rule of law posed by hostile nation states, from transnational repression to …

Play Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco speaks at a podium during a news conference with U.S. flags behind her

January 9, 2019

The OAS Secretary General Tells the Whole Truth About the Cuban Regime

For many years the Organization of American States was a dictators' club, where the rule was "you don't criticize my human rights abuses and I won't criticize yours." And the secretaries-general of t…

December 6, 2019

Election 2020
Campaign Foreign Policy Roundup: NATO and the Future of Transatlantic Relations

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential challengers are saying about foreign policy. 

Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a town hall meeting at Iowa State University on December 4, 2019. Shannon Stapleton/Reuters