643 Results for:

March 6, 2008

Rodriguez: Chavez Using Attack on FARC to Bolster Diminishing Popularity

Francisco R. Rodriguez, an expert on Venezuelan affairs, says the show of force by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez after the Colombian incursion into Ecuador is an attempt to bolster his declining p…

May 24, 2012

Defense and Security
The World Next Week: Ireland’s Referendum, the UN’s Debate on Yemen, North Atlantic Hurricanes, and Memorial Day

The World Next Week podcast is up. Bob McMahon and I discussed Ireland’s referendum on the EU’s fiscal treaty; the UN Security Council’s debate on Yemen; the beginning of hurricane season in the Nort…

lindsay eu graffiti 20120524

September 7, 2010

As India “Looks East,” a Little Problem of Economics

Thanks to its fabulous editor, Sanjaya Baru, I’ve begun writing a regular column, “DC Diary,” for India’s leading financial daily, the Business Standard.  An inaugural piece on Monday offered India…

As India “Looks East,” a Little Problem of Economics

October 28, 2012

Defense and Security
TWE Remembers: JFK and Khrushchev Agree to a Deal (Cuban Missile Crisis, Day Thirteen)

Sunday, October 28, 1962 was a beautiful fall day in Washington, DC. After a cold start, the mercury hit 71 degrees, six degrees above normal. The sun shone brightly, and the breeze was mild. The wea…

Members of the ExCom outside the Oval Office during the Cuban Missile Crisis. From left to right: Special Assistant to the President for National Security McGeorge Bundy, President John F. Kennedy, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Paul Nitze, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Maxwell D. Taylor, and Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara.  (Cecil Stoughton. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston).

December 27, 2012

Ten World Leaders Who Died in 2012

Ten people who passed away this year who shaped world affairs for better or worse.

Journalists watch workers install some of the 288 Waterford crystals on the Times Square New Year's Eve Ball in New York (Mike Segar/Courtesy Reuters).