650 Results for:

October 17, 2017

Can the United States Broker Peace Between Iraq and the Kurds?

Washington should respond to sectarian conflict near Kirkuk by seeking to preserve a united Iraq while supporting Kurdish autonomy.


August 14, 2018

Global Governance
Rise of the Prize: Inducing Competition for the Global Good

The following is a guest post by Kyle L. Evanoff, research associate in international economics and U.S. foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. A dash of competition could be the secr…

Pilot Brian Binnie stands atop SpaceShipOne after winning the $10 million Ansari X Prize in Mojave, California October 4, 2004. The prize was awarded after SpaceShipOne became the first commercial spaceship to reach suborbit in two successful attempts.

October 3, 2022

Foreign Policy
Lessons From History Series: The Legacy of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

In early 1947, Harry Truman announced that the United States would give assistance to countries under threat from authoritarian forces. Later that year, George C. Marshall addressed Harvard Universit…

Play Harry Truman and George C. Marshall

November 11, 2008

Elections and Voting
Foreign Policy Brain Trusts: Obama’s Advisers

Sen. Barack Obama’s foreign policy team includes former State Department veterans and newcomers from academia who seek to reinvigorate U.S. diplomacy.

August 29, 2012

North Korea’s “New Look” Nuclear Program

North Korea’s “new look” leadership, including speculation about both leadership and potential economic reforms, have drawn the lion’s share of media attention in recent weeks. As a result, the fact …
