650 Results for:

September 17, 2007

Energy and Climate Policy
Facing the Hard Truths About Energy

Lee Raymond will discuss the findings of the National Petroleum Council (NPC) study on Global Oil and Gas.  The study was requested by U.S. Secretary of Energy, Samuel W. Bodman, to address the abili…


April 16, 2016

Conference on Diversity in International Affairs 2016

CFR hosted the fourth annual Conference on Diversity in International Affairs in collaboration with the Global Access Pipeline (GAP) and the International Career Advancement Program (ICAP) on Apr…

December 9, 2002

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Without Sustained EU-U.S. Action, Balkans Face Serious Social, Economic Instability, Warns New CFR Task Force, Balkans 2010

December 9, 2002— After a decade of extensive involvement and peacemaking in the Balkans, the United States and its allies are winding down their commitment to the region. At this critical juncture, …

January 7, 2003

U.S. Foreign Policy
Peterson Center Opening Rededicates Council on Foreign Relations to Stirring National Debate on U.S. Foreign Policy

  For further information contact: April Wahlestedt, Director of Communications 434-9544   New York City, January 19, 1999 - The Council on Foreign Relations celebrated tonight the openi…

February 1, 1998

Promoting U.S. Economic Relations with Africa

In 1997, Washington paid unprecedented attention to Africa and its continental rebirth. Both then-First Lady Hillary Clinton and then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright toured the continent. Presi…