980 Results for:

September 16, 2021

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Podcast Takeover: Nuclear Security, From The President’s Inbox

Why It Matters is pleased to present an episode from its sister podcast, The President’s Inbox. Today, U.S. national security is dependent on international nuclear agreements. How does the world regu…

Podcast Nuclear missile gets launched into the sky, creating smoke

July 6, 2022

Women and Women's Rights
Gender and Power in an Age of Disinformation: A Conversation With Mary Anne Franks

For women in the public eye, cultivating an online presence is often necessary and far too often dangerous. What can be done to make online spaces safer for women?

People stand in front of the entrance sign to Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, California on October 27, 2021.

February 1, 2013

Education: Do International Test Scores Matter?

We’ve all seen the headlines: American students are far from stellar performers on international tests. Whether it’s the OECD’s oft-cited gold-standard PISA test on math and reading, the TIMSS test o…

A preschooler on his first day of school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Bazuki Muhammad/Courtesy Reuters).

September 10, 2020

MNC Investment in Nigeria’s Niger Delta: Building Smarter Strategies for Peace

There are rarely any “quick wins” for MNCs in fragile and conflict affected environments like the Niger Delta, Nigeria, but the long term benefits of investing with foresight and knowledge can contribute to local and regional economies.

A confluence of rivers runs through a landscape of trees and bushes. Spillage of oil is visible on the water and onto land.

February 1, 2016

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Balance Owed: Federal Debt and Deficits

The U.S. government faces an unsustainable long-term debt trajectory. This Progress Report and Scorecard outlines the factors affecting federal debt and suggests options for policymakers to address the impending crisis.
