313 Results for:

January 7, 2015

The Top Five Cyber Policy Developments of 2014: Sony Pictures Entertainment and North Korea

Over the past few days, Net Politics has been examining the top five developments in cyber policy of 2014. Each cyber policy event has its own post, explaining what happened, what it all means, and i…

Interview DPRK North Korea Cyber CFR Net Politics

December 10, 2013

United States
Egypt: Mockery

There is no shortage of advice in the United States about how the Obama administration should approach Egypt.  The familiar ring of policy prescriptions bouncing around the Beltway and beyond is eith…


September 18, 2012

United States
Pundits Whiff on the Middle East

Like the mythical cold fusion, the Middle East is a self-sustaining source of energy, providing limitless material for U.S. policymakers and pundits. While the Obama administration may have announced…

US Embassy Consulate Libya

January 16, 2013

Politics and Government
Are Egypt’s Muslim Brothers Democrats?

It may seem non-controversial these days to suggest that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and its Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) are not exactly forces for democratic change.  Much of Washington, which on…


December 4, 2005

Financial Markets
The yen, for a change

The yen's trajectory at the end of 2005 seems a bit like the dollar's trajectory at the end of 2004.   With the yen at 120, companies like Toyota presumably have little incentive to ramp up their US …