313 Results for:

March 11, 2014

Can the OSCE Defuse Ukrainian Tensions?

Though overshadowed by NATO and the EU in recent years, the OSCE may offer the most palatable forum for Russia and the West to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine, says expert Richard Gowan.

September 18, 2003

United States
Public Diplomacy Steps Taken Since 9/11 Not Enough; Council Task Force Urges the Bush Administration to Counter America’s Deteriorating Image as Anger at U.S. Deepens Post-Iraq War

September 18, 2003 - World opinion of the United States and U.S. policy has plummeted in the wake of the U.S.-led war in Iraq. The resulting widespread anger, fear, and mistrust, warns the Council-s…

October 17, 2007

Plans for Iraq’s Future: Federalism, Separatism, and Partition

A Senate proposal calling for the restructuring of Iraq’s government has drawn fire from Iraqis who liken it to partition. Amid the criticism have emerged other controversial options.

December 10, 2010

Congresses and Parliaments
Friday File: Afghanistan Strategy Review

Above the fold. The White House is wrapping up its year-end Afghanistan strategy review.  Its conclusion, perhaps not surprisingly, looks to be that the surge strategy President Obama announced a …

Friday File: Afghanistan Strategy Review

May 22, 2015

Building the New Silk Road

The United States and China have developed competing visions for reviving ancient trade routes connecting Asia and Europe. The U.S. diplomatic strategy focuses on Afghanistan, while China hopes to ec…