134 Results for:

November 15, 2005

Iran: Tehran’s Nuclear Recklessness and the U.S. Response

Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, thank you for allowing me the privilege to come before you to discuss the threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Today, as for much of the past quart…

June 3, 2010

"For Neda" - Film Screening and Discussion

This new documentary illuminates the larger story of political struggle in Iran by focusing on the life of Neda Agha-Soltan, the woman whose death during last year's protests drew international atten…


June 3, 2010

For Neda: Film Screening and Discussion

Filmmakers and experts discuss the HBO documentary For Neda, which illuminates the larger story of political struggle in Iran by focusing on the life of Neda Agha-Soltan, the woman whose death during…


May 10, 2019

The Future of Democracy Around the World

AYRES: Good morning. Good morning. It’s great to see so many people here today. I understand we have a full house. That’s terrific. We have what I am certain is going to be an excellent discussion fo…

Play Panel on the Future of Democracies

July 19, 2016

Turkey Update: Erdogan’s Outlook and the Consequences of the Failed Coup

CFR's Steven A. Cook discusses the consequences of Turkey's failed coup.

Podcast RTSIP8T_EC.jpg