4,851 Results for:

June 27, 2023

Foreign Policy
The Future of U.S. Foreign Policy, With Richard Haass

Richard Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, sits down with James M. Lindsay upon completing two decades leading CFR to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the United…

Podcast People walking across a world map painted on asphalt.

June 17, 2024

CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series: Lost Decade—The U.S. Pivot to Asia and the Rise of Chinese Power

Lost Decade is an essential guide for understanding the historic shift to Asia-centric geopolitics and its implications for the United States’ present and future. More than a decade on, Robert D. …

Play A 100 yuan banknote is placed beside a U.S. 100 dollar banknote.

August 11, 2010

Holbrooke: Pakistan Aid Inadequate

The international response to Pakistan’s flood disaster has been inadequate so far, says Richard Holbrooke, U.S. special representative to the country. He says Washington is contacting international …

January 17, 2012

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Lessons of Diplomacy: An Event in Memory of Richard C. Holbrooke

This special evening is being held in memory of the late Richard C. Holbrooke, former board director and longtime member of CFR. The panelists will discuss the lessons of diplomacy learned from U.S. …


January 17, 2012

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Lessons of Diplomacy: An Event in Memory of Richard C. Holbrooke

This special event was held in memory of the late Richard C. Holbrooke, former board director and longtime member of CFR. Panelists discussed the lessons of diplomacy learned from U.S. engagement in …
