4,854 Results for:

April 7, 2011

Blair on Libya: We Must Be Players, Not Spectators

Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Quartet Representative to the Middle East, discusses the role of international governments in promoting democracy in the Middle East with…

August 7, 2020

U.S. Foreign Policy
Brent Scowcroft was, above all, a realist

Brent Scowcroft, a model national security adviser, taught us much about U.S. foreign policy

Brent Scowcroft

November 10, 2020

Transition 2021
Transition 2021: What Foreign Policy Challenges Await President-Elect Biden?

In this special Transition 2021 series of The President’s Inbox, James M. Lindsay sits down each week with experts to discuss the challenges facing the incoming Biden administration. This week, CFR P…

Podcast Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Joe Biden receives a nudge from his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, to remind him about proper social distancing as he speaks to reporters at Miami International Airport prior to participating in a town hall event in Miami, Florida.

June 23, 2011

Gauging the U.S. Commitment in Afghanistan

Did President Obama’s troop drawdown plan for Afghanistan undercut the campaign against the Taliban or was it too limited to meet U.S. goals? CFR President Richard N. Haass and Senior Fellow Max Boot…

June 22, 2012

Google, Thailand, and the 2012 Transparency Report

As reported on in Siam Voices this week, Google has released its 2012 Transparency Report, which chronicles requests that Google receives, mostly from governments, to block material online. As Lisa G…

Under Thailand’s lèse-majesté law, criticism of King Bhumibol Adulyadej (pictured in Bangkok June 9, 2012) and the royal family is prohibited.