806 Results for:

May 20, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
President Obama’s Middle East Speech

I was unfavorably impressed by President Obama’s speech yesterday, and explained why both at the CFR web site and at greater length in National Review. The President’s remarks on the Israeli-Palesti…

November 19, 2009

United States
Foreign Aid, Civilian Capacity, and U.S. National Security

As the Obama administration evaluates the U.S. national security apparatus and the balance between civilian and military resources, join one of Capitol Hill’s most influential voices for a discussion…


June 12, 2020

Cyber Week in Review: June 12, 2020

Senate panel says U.S. government provided little-to-no-oversight of Chinese telecoms for nearly twenty years; Citizen Lab uncovers Dark Basin, a massive hack-for-hire operation; Danish defense minis…

Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod and Defense Minister Trine Bramsen.

January 13, 2020

There Is Nothing Left for Americans to Do in Iraq

Qassem Suleimani and Tehran have won the battle for Baghdad. U.S. policymakers should understand that—and leave.

A demonstrator carries an Iraqi flag as he walks near burning tires, during ongoing anti-government protests in Najaf, Iraq January 12, 2020.

June 9, 2016

A Discussion on National Security Risks in the Changing Arctic

Experts discuss challenges for U.S. national security in the Arctic region.

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