1,908 Results for:

January 16, 2013

Food and Water Security
Food Price Volatility and Insecurity

Global food prices are being driven up by a number of factors including bad weather, low stocks, and unstable commodities markets. Combating price volatility and protecting food security will take in…

September 19, 2011

Muslims in the United States

A decade after 9/11, U.S. Muslims grapple with their place in American society in the face of concerns about homegrown terrorism and questions by non-Muslims over the threat they might pose.

September 20, 2011

Noncommunicable Diseases
Global Action on Non-Communicable Diseases

NCDs such as cancer and heart disease are becoming leading causes of death in the developing world and will be the focus of a September UN meeting. But health experts and others are divided about how…

January 15, 2010

Malaysia, Egypt: A Fight over Faith

Recent violence against Christians in Malaysia and Egypt points to rising tensions over religious freedom and Islamic identity. Legal expert Angela Wu argues these issues must be considered more care…

May 25, 2011

International Organizations
The G8 Agenda: Mideast Push

Mideast upheaval was a top issue at the G8, which is winding down today in France, along with nuclear safety, leadership of the IMF, and aid to Africa. This Backgrounder profiles the eight participan…

December 6, 2012

United States
Gasoline Prices

With the Middle East unrest ongoing and the global economy recovering, gasoline prices are rising considerably. But policies to ease U.S. consumer impact take time and policymakers are divided over t…