1,908 Results for:

March 9, 2012

Japan’s Nuclear Dilemma

One year after the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Japan is facing a dilemma of how to clean up the disaster and how to meet current and future energy needs, says expert Charles D. Ferguson, even as the gl…

January 25, 2008

G8’s Gradual Move toward Post-Kyoto Climate Change Policy

G8 members offer a mixed picture on meeting Kyoto Protocol targets. The United States continues to refuse ratification.

November 3, 2011

Climate Change
The Debate over Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade

Greenhouse gas trading is now a multibillion-dollar international business and is expected to continue to grow, despite uncertainty about a post-2012 international climate regime.

June 29, 2010

The Organization of the Islamic Conference

The Obama administration sees the Organization of the Islamic Conference as a venue through which to court Muslims globally, but the group’s controversial positions on some issues could pose problems.

May 19, 2010

Global Governance
The Four Nuclear Outlier States

The countries outside of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty--North Korea, Pakistan, India, and Israel--present a significant challenge for U.S. diplomacy and efforts to restrain the spread of nuclea…