6,028 Results for:

September 7, 2006

United States
Targets for Terrorists: Post-9/11 Aviation Security

The air travel system remains one of the most high-profile targets for terrorists. This backgrounder examines efforts to improve aviation security since the 9/11 attacks.

December 26, 2006

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
New York Spurs Counterterrorism Efforts

The “war on terrorism” is often portrayed as playing out on the streets of Baghdad or in the mountains of Afghanistan. But New York City is another important battleground and could provide lessons fo…

November 6, 2006

United States
Examining Counterterrorism Culture

Counterterrorism agencies in the United States proudly point to the lack of a “second 9/11 attack” in response to critics of their methods. Here’s a look at the continuing debate over the proper orga…

January 28, 2008

Media Conference Call: Robert M. Kimmitt on Sovereign Wealth Funds and the World Economy (Audio)

Listen to Robert M. Kimmitt, U.S. deputy secretary of the treasury, discuss his recent Foreign Affairs article on the rise of sovereign wealth funds.


August 11, 2010

Profile: Hassan Nasrallah

A profile of Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of Hezbollah.