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April 4, 2012

Guest Post: Jordan’s Reform Calculations

This post is written by Kelley Calkins, a research associate at the Council on Foreign Relations. Here she offers her assessment of the Jordanian leadership’s calculations concerning domestic reform …

Jordanian Islamic Front Action supporters shout slogans against Syria's president Bashar al-Assad during a demonstration in Amman on March 9, 2012 (Muhammad Hamed/Courtesy Reuters).

February 2, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Remembering the Hama Massacre

Today marks thirty years since the start of President Hafez al-Assad’s brutal crackdown on the city of Hama in Syria. I asked Ella Lipin, a Fulbright grantee last year in Cairo who lived and worked i…

Syrian soldiers who defected to join the Free Syrian Army are seen among demonstrators during a protest against Syria's president Bashar al-Assad in Kafranbel near Idlib on January 29, 2012 (Courtesy Reuters).

November 27, 2008

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Counterterrorism in India

India has been battling terrorism for as long as it has been a sovereign nation. This backgrounder examines the country’s counterterrorism efforts.

February 11, 2009

Israel’s Political System

A brief overview of the Israeli political system.

May 12, 2008

Rule of Law
Somalia’s Transitional Government

Though international observers had hoped Somalia’s transitional federal government would bring stability to the war-torn nation after sixteen years of “failed state” status, by mid-2008 experts said …