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December 20, 2023

United States
Happy 4th Birthday to the U.S. Space Force!

The newest branch of the U.S. military marks its fourth year of service. 

Space Force

February 8, 2024

United States
The U.S. Vice President and Foreign Policy

Modern vice presidents can trace much of their political influence to the broad reforms that Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale made to the second-highest elected office in the late 1970s.


December 20, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The Year of AI and Elections

Billions of people will take to the polls next year, marking the world’s largest-ever electoral field. But this historic scale is not the only thing that will make 2024 unique. As new threats like de…

Podcast People from around the world casting ballots in elections. This image includes content generated by artificial intelligence.

June 19, 2020

United States
Five Foreign-Policy Satires Worth Watching

Each Friday this summer, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: classic satires.

The movie posters from The Great Dictator (yellow with Charlie Chaplin over a globe), Dr. Strangelove (black and white actor smoking a cigarette), In the Loop (two silhouettes, one with U.S. flag the other with the UK flag), MASH (a hand with the peace sign and an army helmet on the finger), Catch-22 (a man walks away from a plane wreckage in the desert), and Wag the Dog (a tape recorder with the presidential seal) arranged in one picture.

March 12, 2024

Defense and Security
Religion and Foreign Policy Webinar: Conflict Resolution in Armenia and Azerbaijan

Aslı Aydıntaşbaş, visiting fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution and senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, and Philip Gamaghel…

Play Servicemen of the self-defense army of Nagorno-Karabakh rest at their positions near the village of Mataghis. April 6, 2016.

November 10, 2020

United States
Happy 245th Birthday to the United States Marine Corps!

The U.S. Marine Corps turns 245 years-old today. On November 10, 1775, the Continental Congress adopted a resolution to create a Marine force composed of two battalions. Since then, the Marines have …


November 25, 2013

Defense and Security
U.S. Troops Required Post-2014 to Curb al-Qaeda’s Resurgence in Afghanistan, Recommends New CFR Report

RAND Corporation’s Seth G. Jones and Keith Crane explain in a new Council Special Report from the Center for Preventive Action how the United States should manage the complex political, security, and…