6,234 Results for:

February 23, 2011

Our Common Cause and Shared Responsibility

Lawrence Cannon, Canadian minister of foreign affairs, examines how the new economic goals set forth by President Obama can be realized in Canada and how both countries continue to work together in a…


May 25, 2023

The Cyber Safety Review Board Should Investigate Major Historical Incidents

The U.S. Cybersecurity Review Board was established to provide a definitive history of major cyber incidents. Today it has fallen away from that mission, but there are three incidents to investigate …

The SolarWinds logo is seen outside its headquarters in Austin, Texas, U.S., December 18, 2020.

January 9, 2018

Vietnam War
In New Book, Max Boot Argues One CIA Operative Could Have Changed the Course of the Vietnam War

January 9, 2018—The Vietnam War “might have taken a very different course—one that was less costly and potentially more successful—if the counsel of this CIA operative and Air Force officer had b…

March 22, 2007

WTO Trade Rules Benefit the United States, Says New Council Report

The Doha negotiations have stalled and the November elections in the United States showed that advocates of economic nationalism are growing in strength. Nevertheless, a new Council Special Report ma…

April 18, 2011

Emerging Markets
Spence: Emerging Market Investment Boom Ahead

Economist A. Michael Spence says emerging market growth is going to produce a boom in investment, which in turn may lead to higher interest rates globally, and a tendency to intervene in internatio…