789 Results for:

April 29, 2009

Middle East and North Africa
An Unsettling Settlement: The 1922 Middle East Peace Agreement Seen Today

Historian David Fromkin will discuss how the post-Ottoman Middle East looks in the twenty-first century. This meeting is part of a series hosted with the National History Center featuring prominent h…


December 13, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now? The U.S. Sends China a Message on Cyber Espionage

China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin gestures to a journalist during a news conference in Beijing. (David Gray/Courtesy Reuters) First, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chai…

Can You Hear Me Now? The U.S. Sends China a Message on Cyber Espionage

September 16, 2016

Europe and Eurasia
Cyber Week in Review: September 16, 2016

Here is a quick round-up of this week’s technology headlines and related stories you may have missed: 1. There’s a reason we’re told not to poke bears. Hackers posted medical records of several U.S…

CFR Cyber Net Politics Russia Bear

October 12, 2018

United States
Happy 243rd Birthday to the U.S. Navy!

The U.S. Navy turns 243 years-old tomorrow. On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress commissioned two ships, each with eighty sailors, “for intercepting such transports as may be laden with warl…

Navy Birthday 2018

May 26, 2017

Cyber Week in Review: May 25, 2017

Here is a quick round-up of this week’s technology headlines and related stories you may have missed: 1. Rogue Cyber State? In recent weeks, cybersecurity researchers following the digital breadcr…

Ke Jie faces off against Google's AlphaGo