789 Results for:

March 10, 2015

Guest Post: Is the Sony Hack the Dawn of Cyber Deterrence?

Ram Levi is the CEO of Konfidas, a cybersecurity consulting firm, and a Senior Fellow at the Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security. He formerly served as the secretary of the Is…

Jim Jong Un CFR Net Politics DPRK North Korea Cyber

December 14, 2009

Political History and Theory
The Sinews of Power: Rediscovering the Foundations of National Strength

Watch Paul M. Kennedy, director of International Security Studies and the Dilworth Professor of History at Yale University, analyze characteristics of great powers and what constitutes national stren…


August 24, 2016

United States
Remembering the Vietnam "Coup Cable"

Things usually slow down in Washington in August. Congress goes into recess, and Washingtonians who can leave town do. But this predictable lull in government activity doesn’t mean that policymaking …

Cable Coup Final

June 7, 2010

Fossil Fuels
Obama Needs More Oilmen

President Obama caught some flak last week for appointing former EPA Administration William Reilly to cochair his oil spill commission. Rachel Maddow’s blog has highlighted the fact that Reilly sits …

November 18, 2004

Taking away the punch bowl when the party is really getting going?

That is the classic view of the role of the central bank. It extends beyond using monetary policy to prevent "overheating" and price inflation. Most central bank regulate the banking system, and si…