727 Results for:

November 9, 2015

United States
Measuring the Economy in a Digital Age

Experts discuss methods of economic measurement.

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November 12, 2010

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Friday File: Obama in Asia

Above the Fold: The big news of the week has been President Obama’s Asia trip.  The coverage at home has generally been positive.  Walter Russell Mead reviews the India leg of the trip and applauds…

Friday File: Obama in Asia

April 16, 2013

Transferring CIA Drone Strikes to the Pentagon

The main obstacle to acknowledging the scope, legality, and oversight of U.S. targeted killings beyond traditional or "hot" battlefields is the division of lead executive authority between the Joint …

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March 3, 2006

U.S.-Russia Relations Headed in Wrong Direction, Concludes Council Task Force Chaired by Edwards and Kemp

Fifteen years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, “U.S.-Russia relations are clearly headed in the wrong direction,” finds an Independent Task Force on U.S. policy toward Russia sponsored by the …

April 6, 2015

Digital Policy
Promoting Norms for Cyberspace

The United States defined its preferred cyberspace norms—Internet openness, security, liberty, free speech, and with minimal government oversight and surveillance—in its 2011 International Strategy f…

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