980 Results for:

January 13, 2012

United States
You Might Have Missed: Nuclear Materials, Economic Sanctions, and Afghanistan

- Nuclear Materials Security Index (PDF), Nuclear Threat Intiative, January 2012. The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) Nuclear Materials Security Index includes findings for each of 176 countries, in…

Afghanistan soldier

December 24, 2010

Congresses and Parliaments
Friday File: Vacation Time

Above the fold. So President Obama is now off on vacation in Hawaii. He presumably will enjoy it, having crossed repeal of "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" and passage of the New START Treaty off his to…

Friday File: Vacation Time

January 20, 2022

The Future of U.S.-Middle East Relations

Vali R. Nasr, the Majid Khadduri professor of Middle East studies and international affairs at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Affairs, discusses the prospects and consequ…

Play The Future of U.S.-Middle East Relations

March 29, 2017

United States
Hard Power’s Essential Soft Side

President Trump’s proposal to build up the military while slashing funds for diplomacy and foreign assistance misses how “soft power” can advance the national interest, says Joseph S. Nye, who coined…

October 3, 2014

Modi’s Tale of Two Visits: Drama in One, Pragmatism and Continuity in the Other

The five-day U.S. visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi concluded earlier this week. He is already back in India, busy launching a new “Clean India” campaign complete with before-and-after pho…
