982 Results for:

October 15, 2009

Russian Wariness on U.S. Iran Policy

CFR’s Stephen R. Sestanovich says the Obama administration believes it has put relations with Russia on "a more practical" basis but convergence remains elusive on how to address Iran’s nuclear progr…

January 31, 2017

United States
The State of U.S. Trade Policy

President Donald Trump’s rejection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has intensified debate over U.S. trade policy and its far-reaching effects.

October 12, 2016

United Kingdom
Understanding the Libor Scandal

The manipulation of interbank lending rates by a host of global financial institutions could have significant repercussions for financial markets, consumer loans, and regulatory policy.

The Royal Exchange in central London

February 11, 2011

United States
The Whys and Hows of Promoting Democracy

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, Mark Lagon examines the uneven history of promoting democracy in U.S. foreign policy and offers lessons for how the United States can best advance democracy today…