101 Results for:

May 10, 2010

Reforming the Eurozone

Debt restructuring and longer-term eurozone reforms will be needed to contain Europe’s sovereign debt problems and restore European stability and prosperity, says CFR’s Marc Levinson.

April 27, 2010

Economic Crises
New Urgency to Prevent Greek Default

Rating agency S&P’s decision to downgrade Greek debt to "junk" may lead to softened pre-conditions for an IMF-EU bailout and a swifter European response, says CFR’s Marc Levinson.

March 30, 2010

International Organizations
Building a Strengthened IMF

Developed countries should embrace a stronger IMF while pressing for more equitable voting rights that would boost the institution’s legitimacy, says former IMF board member Domenico Lombardi.

March 18, 2010

Economic Crises
Debt Recovery: A Balancing Act

Early stimulus withdrawal would hurt the U.S. economy, but the U.S. Treasury needs to announce a debt-reducing strategy to buoy market confidence, says sovereign debt expert Carmen Reinhart.

February 25, 2010

Capital Flows
Obama’s Flawed Export Plan

News that global trade contracted in 2009 underscores the need for Obama’s trade strategy to include negotiating exchange rates with Asian countries and promoting free trade agreements, says IIE’s Ga…