88 Results for:

February 20, 2020

The Future of U.S. Trade

Speakers discuss U.S. trade, including the recent USMCA deal, trade disputes with China, and possible trade conflicts with Europe.

Play U.S. President Donald Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto at USMC signing in 2018

October 25, 2019

U.S.-Turkey Relations: The Shifting Nature of Two NATO Allies

Panelists discuss Turkey’s domestic politics, its recent actions in northern Syria, and the shifting nature of U.S.-Turkish relations in the three years since the attempted July 2016 coup. LAIPSON…

Play U.S.-Turkey Relations

January 22, 2020

What's Next for U.S. Policy in China?

Panelists discuss current U.S. strategy toward China and offer their security, economic, and foreign policy recommendations to address increasing tensions in the relationship.  

Play What's Next for U.S. Policy in China?

November 17, 2010

Economic Crises
A Conversation with Lawrence H. Summers

Lawrence H. Summers, director of the National Economic Council, remarks on volatile currency exchange rates, unstable European markets, and the negative effects of financial policy on organic economi…


November 28, 2007

Middle East and North Africa
A Conversation with Chuck Hagel

RICHARD N. HAASS:  Why don't we get started?Good afternoon.  Welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations.  Let me repeat our favorite mantra, to please turn off anything electrical other than a hear…
