662 Results for:

March 4, 2022

United States
The New Cold War

Putin's invasion of Ukraine and partnership with Xi have forced the United States into a new Cold War. Can the United States gain victory this time?

The New Cold War

May 20, 2016

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Friday Foreign Policy Roundup: It’s the Economy, Stupid

A Gallup poll out this week found that the economy remains the country’s top concern. Eighteen percent of Americans flag the “economy in general” as the most important problem facing the nation, whil…

A flag flies in front of the blast furnaces at the now-closed Bethlehem Steel mill in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

July 26, 2016

Technology and Innovation
Why the Silicon Valley Model Failed Cleantech

It’s no secret that venture capital (VC) has fled from the clean energy technology (cleantech) sector, and as a result, new cleantech company formation has slowed. But why did this happen, and is the…

Optimized-Solar cell

December 23, 2008

U.S. Security Agreements and Iraq

Iraqi lawmakers approved new ground rules for the U.S. troop presence, including a U.S. withdrawal by 2011. But questions about the accords’ legal longevity remain.

June 7, 2023

Europe and Eurasia
Turkey After the Elections

Panelists discuss the results of Turkey’s May 28 runoff election and what the outcome signals for the future of the country.

Play Erdogan waves in front of Turkish flags