636 Results for:

June 8, 2018


U.S., Canadian, and Mexican negotiators failed to meet Paul Ryan’s informal deadline to complete the renegotiation of NAFTA so it could be approved by this Congress. Additionally, the Donald J. Trump…


May 15, 2017

Why U.S. Tax Reform Threatens Mexico's Financial Future

While tweets and speeches may continue to cause consternation in Mexico and Canada, the existential threat to NAFTA seems to have passed. President Donald Trump is now talking about giving “renego…

Paul Ryan tax reform

August 2, 2007

Burns on Bringing India in from the Cold, and Isolating Iran

The State Department’s third-ranking official says the U.S.-India nuclear deal and efforts to freeze Iran’s nuclear program are advancing the cause of nonproliferation.

October 2, 2008

Political Situation in Iraq is ’A House of Cards’

Marc Lynch, an expert on Iraqi politics, says that despite security gains in Iraq, the political situation remains unsettled, suggesting progress might be ephemeral.  

September 21, 2022

Cyber Conflict and the Erosion of Trust

Cyberattacks have been characterized as major tools in modern warfighting, but have often failed to have major physical effects. Instead, cyberattacks have played major roles in degrading trust in so…

Three EMTs in masks and face coverings load a patient into the back of an ambulance.

September 13, 2021

Virtual Roundtable: Life Lessons Learned With James Dobbins

James Dobbins discusses his distinguished career in public service. Visit “How I Got Here: James Dobbins” on the Foreign Affairs Career Center for more information. The Lives in Public Service …

Play Image of James Dobbins in a light pink