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October 4, 2013

Political Transitions
You Might Have Missed: Japanese Drones, Shutdown, CIA in Syria

John Hudson, “U.S. Rules Out a New Drone War in Iraq,” Foreign Policy Magazine, October 3, 2013. In 2013 alone, Iraq is averaging 68 car bombings a month. The United Nations reports that 5,740 civil…

June 28, 2011

Human Trafficking
Guest Post: State Department’s Human Trafficking Report

    Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Director of National Intelligence Gen. James Clapper attend a meeting o…

Guest Post: State Department’s Human Trafficking Report

September 22, 2020

Lessons on Reopening in a Pandemic From Around the World

Speakers discuss the challenges other countries in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe have faced in reopening workplaces and schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the lessons to be learned …

Play Students wear protective masks maintaining safe distance as they attend a class, after government allowed reopening of schools from grade six to eight amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

February 4, 2016

Democratic Regression and the Rise of Islamic State-Linked Militants in Southeast Asia

Read Part 1 here.  Part 2 After Jakarta’s initial successes against militants such as those from Jemaah Islamiah, a new generation of Islamists began to emerge in Southeast Asia in the late 2000s a…

indonesia-terrorism-southeast asia