712 Results for:

July 31, 2006

Choucair: Israeli Attacks on Lebanese Civilians Hurt U.S. Standing in Region

Julia Choucair, an expert on Lebanon, says even though many Lebanese people and several Arab governments criticized Hezbollah for instigating the crisis with Israel, the Israeli air attacks, includin…

July 27, 2006

Indyk: Keep Syria and Iran Out of Negotiations Over Lebanon

Martin S. Indyk, a former top U.S.policymaker on the Middle East, says it would be wrong to invite Iran and Syria, the major backers of Hezbollah, into negotiations to end the current fighting betwee…

April 16, 2013

United States
Film Screening: "Manhunt"

A panel of experts discuss the new HBO documentary film, Manhunt, which details the hunt for Osama bin Laden.


January 30, 2017

United States
Can Trump Carry Out His Foreign Policy Promises?

President Donald J. Trump has wide latitude to enact the sweeping changes to U.S. foreign policy that he has promised, but his executive authority is constrained by congressional legislation, treaty …

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at Homeland Security headquarters in Washington, DC.

February 20, 2007

Palestinian Territories
Indyk: Rice Can Put Israeli-Palestinian ‘Peace Train’ Back on Tracks

Former ambassador Martin S. Indyk says Secretary Rice’s decision to mediate between the Israelis and Palestinians marks a major change in the Bush administration’s approach to the Middle East.