712 Results for:

September 27, 2018

United Arab Emirates
A Conversation With Anwar Mohammed Gargash

BARNARD: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to today’s Council on Foreign Relations meeting with Anwar Mohammed Gargash. I’m Anne Barnard. I’m the Edward R. Murrow Press Fellow at the Council on Foreign…

Podcast UAE

June 7, 2019

Women and Women's Rights
Human Trafficking, Conflict, and Security

The scale of human trafficking around the world is staggering, affecting populations across regional, ethnic, and religious lines. Trafficking is not simply a gross violation of dignity and human rig…

Podcast Migrants disembark a Libyan Navy boat at a base in Tripoli, Libya, after they were stopped by Libyan coast guards. Libya has become a major hub for human traffickers smuggling African migrants by boat to Italy. September 29, 2015.

February 27, 2019

The 1979 Iranian Revolution

Panelists reflect on the events that unfolded during the Iranian Revolution in 1979, how the United States responded, and the consequences for today.

Play The 1979 Iranian Revolution

May 21, 2014

United States
Russian and Chinese Assertiveness Poses New Foreign Policy Challenges

Former defense secretary Robert Gates sits down with CNN's Fareed Zakaria to give his perspective on U.S. foreign policy.
