174 Results for:

October 2, 2018

Technology and Innovation
Governing the Next Technological Revolution

With the perils of heedless innovation all too apparent, and with a new and potentially more transformative wave of technical advances in the pipeline, global movements to govern the next technologic…

Children touch the hands of the humanoid robot Roboy at the exhibition Robots on Tour in Zurich on March 9, 2013.

March 21, 2014

Is Peng Liyuan China’s Evita?

Dean of the People’s Liberation Army Art Academy. Goodwill Ambassador of the World Health Organization. Renowned Soprano Singer. Practitioner of Buddhism. China’s anti-smoking ambassador. Member of t…

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama and Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, pose for a photograph as they visit Forbidden City in Beijing on March 21, 2014.

April 6, 2017

Wars and Conflict
Remembering America’s Entry into the Great War

Today marks the one hundredth anniversary of Congress declaring war on Germany, thereby thrusting the United States into the Great War, or what we know today as World War I. The vote was a major turn…

Architect Joe Weishaar adjusts flags in honor of the fallen Washington area WWI veterans on Veterans Day at DC War Memorial in Washington

March 5, 2004

United States
Council’s James M. Lindsay 2003 Lionel Gelber Prize Winner Groundbreaking Study of ’Bush Doctrine’ Wins Distinguished Award for Non-Fiction Council on Foreign Relations

March 4, 2004, New York - American foreign policy experts Ivo H. Daalder of the Brookings Institution and James M. Lindsay of the Council on Foreign Relations have won the 2003 Lionel Gelber Prize fo…

September 28, 2012

United States
You Might Have Missed: Iran, Red Lines, Drones, and Dieting

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "I believe that, faced with a clear red line, Iran will back down.” (September 27, 2012) Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, “I think that this whole matter of r…

Red Line